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Our Story

From the Founder, Joy:

From an early age, my parents held a deep mistrust of daycare centers, which led them to establish their own called Life's Little Joys Daycare, named after my mother, Joy. The memories of those days still linger in my mind—the carefully crafted schedule that blended fun and education for my siblings, the other children, and myself. We would watch Lion's Tales and play in our playpens, creating moments of joy and learning. 


When I became an aunt at the age of 13, a beautiful baby boy entered my life, bringing with him an immense joy. Bathing him in the sink, singing songs, and taking him on little adventures to the grocery store were experiences that filled my heart to the brim. These cherished moments ignited a love for caring for children, and I soon found myself looking after my younger cousins. Through this, I discovered a genuine passion for fostering academic curiosity, improving reading skills, and instilling positive behavior through healthy boundaries. Even in college, I offered babysitting services to faculty members' children, constantly seeking innovative ways to keep the little ones engaged and entertained. 


After completing my Bachelor's Degree in English, I embarked on a journey of introspection, seeking God’s guidance on where my path should lead. This led me to make the bold decision to move to Cleveland, OH, in July 2020. There, while working at City Year, I continued to care for children, assisting them with their reading and math skills. It was during this time that I witnessed a profound shift in how children experience childhood compared to my own upbringing. In my childhood, going outside was the norm, technology had a balanced place in our lives, and we embraced the outdoors with joyous adventures in mud, bugs, and friendship. 


However, as I babysat two groups of children with various sitters and nannies, I made a striking observation. Instead of being engaged and educated by their caregivers, children were being babysat by screens, missing out on valuable opportunities for growth and learning. 


It is my unwavering belief that children today deserve childcare that sparks their intellectual curiosity, nurtures their social and moral development, and provides a safe and enjoyable environment. Parents should have absolute trust that their children, when not in their care, are experiencing love, positive reinforcement, and a world that fosters growth and joy. I firmly believe that God continues to bring families into my life who are in dire need of these vital services. 

Our Mission

Our Mission: With a people-first attitude, our mission is to provide personalized interactive and educational experiences to children to support their social and moral development for all ages.

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